Hexagonal system

If n bodies of equal mass are placed at the corners of an n-polygon they may rotate together in a circular orbit provided they have exactly the right velocity.
In this simulation we have six bodies at the corners of a hexagon.

In the right column we show that the velocity must be

where k = 1.827350.

With m = 1·1025 kg, R = 1·1010 m and G = 6.67·10-11 we get v = 349.1193 m/s.


  1. Start the simulation. The orbits seem stable, but what happens after about two revolutions?
    To make the orbits stable for many revolutions, the initial positions and velocities must have even higher precision, and the time interval between calculations must be small enough. In this simulation the inaccuracies in the initial conditions dominate. You can verify this by restarting the simulation and decreasing the time interval.
  2. Change some of the initial conditions slightly. You may for instance change the velocity of body 1 and 4 to 349 m/s. When do the orbits begin to deviate visibly from a circle now?
  3. Imagine that we add a star with mass 1·1030 kg at the center of the hexagon. Of course body 1 to 6 must now have much greater velocities to orbit in a circle. Do you think this would increase the stability of the orbits?
    Perhaps you would like to make a new simulation and investigate? If not, you may look up the simulation "Hexagonal system with central star".

With the origin at the center of the polygon and the y-axis along the direction from 1 to 4, the coordinates of the bodies are:

1: R(0, -1), 2: R(0.866025, -0.5), 3: R(0.866025, 0.5), 4: R(0, 1), 5: R(-0.866025, 0.5), 6: 2: R(-0.866025, -0.5).

We now calculate the total gravitational force on a body from the other five bodies, and choose body 4. The mass of each body is m. By symmetry the force is the same on all of the bodies.

The distance between 4 and 2 is

The x-components of the forces on 4 cancel so it is only necessary to calculate the y-components. We get

We assume that all the bodies can go in a circular orbit with radius R and constant velocity v. Then v must satisfy the equation